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If coming from Banbridge direction take Rathfriland turn off from A1 at Loughbrickland (onto B3). Walk begins off Ballinaskeagh Road (B3). Park on the grass verge opposite the derelict mill. Take signposted footpath which is a public right of way crossing the open field.On meeting the Bronte Road look out for the bridleway signposted by the bungalow opposite. Follow the waymarks along this route to the Emdale Road. Turn right onto this road and continue for a short distance before taking e signposted bridleway on the left. Follow the waymarks along this route to meet the Imdel Cross Road. Turn left onto this road and continue for about a mile to junction with Emdale Road, turn left onto this road and continue along to re-join bridleway and footpath retracing steps to the Ballinaskeagh Road.
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