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Enjoy breath-taking views from the cliff edge of Fairhead on this ruggedly beautiful, wild and remote walk. Expect stunning coastal views towards Ballycastle and Rathlin Island and look down on the picturesque Murlough Bay. You’ll also pass historic loughs and open green farmland on one of the many walk options which are guaranteed to invigorate the senses.Start Point:
Finish Point:
The most strenuous of the walks with some very steep sections walkers are rewarded with stunning cliff top views including beautiful vistas overlooking Murlough Bay. Once you reach the large ‘A’ frame stile at the end of the walk there is the option to continue along the public right of way to the picnic area and carpark on Murlough Rd (total route distance 2.9 miles). Please note this section is not waymarked. Alternatively you can retrace your steps to rejoin the blue loop (total route distance 4.2 miles) and follow this via farm tracks and open land passing the hamlet of Coolanlough back to your starting point. This walk passes through stretches of rocky and heather clad ground. Please be aware that sections of this walk are situated near a cliff edge and due care must be taken particularly during windy conditions and in poor visibility. Weather conditions along the coast can change very quickly - so be prepared. Although the walk is waymarked it is advised that you equip yourself with a map. The walking route passes through areas of open land and working farmland. Livestock may be present and ground conditions are often uneven, wet and mucky underfoot and as such walking boots are strongly recommended. The iconic cliffs of Fairhead or Benmore tower above the famous Sea of Moyle where mythology states the Children of Lir, were put under an evil spell transforming them into swans to spend 900 years in exile from humanity. The great cliffs of Fairhead are composed of a rock called dolerite. This igneous rock was born out of volcanic activity some 60 million years ago. The upper half of the cliff is formed of gigantic columns which are up to 12 metres in diameter, some of which are separated from the rest of the cliff but still stand, despite their precarious nature. This walk begins at the farm car park (£3 per car) clearly signposted off the Fairhead Rd. The trailhead panel in the car park will offer you a number of route choices with loops from 1.5 – 3.4 miles. Be sure to take time to read the hidden interpretation information at each waymarker pointing out important sites of historic and geological interest along the way.
2.9 miles
Uneven grasses, bog, farm track
Point of interest:
Views over Murlough Bay and towards Rathlin
Numerous toilet facilities, cafés and shops are situated in Ballycastle 5 miles away.
Nearest town:
OS map:
Sheet 5